Jubilee Month of Cusco
On January 8, 1944, it was agreed to celebrate June 24 of each year as Cusco Day and the reintroduction to universal culture of one of the greatest festivals of the Inca Empire: Inti Raymi. The first celebration of Cusco Day, instituted in remembrance of its glorious past, was attended by the President of the Republic at that time, Dr. Manuel Prado.
Since then, the citizens of Cusco celebrate the jubilee month of Cusco with a series of protocolary, artistic, and cultural events that attract thousands of national and foreign tourists.
June 24 – Cusco Day or Inti Raymi Celebration
This celebration has as its main date June 23, on which different public, private, religious, political organizations, and others attired in typical ponchos and hats of the region, accompanied by bands of caperos (musicians), make their way through the main atrium of the Plaza de Armas of Cusco, greeting the authorities and the attending public. As the hours pass, the excitement grows, starting around 10 am and culminating around midnight.
Representation of the Cruz Velakuy (May 28)
Staging of the custom of the vigil of the Holy Cross, better known as Cruz Velakuy, a festival of Andean-Catholic syncretism deeply rooted in all Andean villages. The representation is masterfully performed by the artists of the Qosqo Center of Native Art in the idyllic square of the San Blas neighborhood.
Offering ceremony to Pachamama – Jubilee month opening (May 29)
The tribute to Pachamama or offering to Pachamama is the act that formally marks the beginning of the Jubilee Month Festivities of our land and takes place in the Plaza de Armas of the city of Cusco on the first Sunday of June or, failing that, the closest to June. It is attended by the authorities of the city and the Cusco population, as well as national and foreign visitors, who offer the traditional coca and chica, invoking the success of the Cusco Festivals and the brotherhood that should reign in these celebrations.
City decoration with flags (June 1 to 30)
The Municipality of Cusco, with the purpose of encouraging the participatory spirit of the population, orders the general flagging of the city with the multicolored flag of Cusco throughout the month (the Tawantinsuyo flag). Likewise, the repainting of the facades of public and private housing is mandatory so that the city presents a welcoming appearance for locals and visitors.
Dance Parade from June 10 to 20
Colorful parades of public and private educational institutions from the initial, primary, and higher levels that display vitality, beauty, and color with spectacular dances typical of the Cusco region.
Allegory Parade of the School of Fine Arts of Cusco
Spectacular parade of large allegorical representations alluding to our culture, made by the various bodies and specialties of the School of Fine Arts, which are prepared several months in advance.
Night of Light and Sound – June 18
The night of light and sounds, the sky of the Incas, dazzles with magic and color with impressive special effects that cause admiration and enthusiasm from the immense crowd gathered in the Plaza de Armas and can also be seen from any other point in the city of Cusco.
Civic Parade in honor of Cusco – June 23
A massive demonstration of greeting to Cusco, where thousands of Cusqueños and citizens from the diverse regions that made up the Great Tawantinsuyo converge in the Plaza de Armas in an endless outpouring of emotion and symbolism.
Festival of the Sun – Inti Raymi June 24th
This event brings together the artistic expressions and indigenous dances of the four suyos by delegations that come to Cusco to greet the ancient capital of the Incas. It is the most important day of June in the city of Cusco.
If you want to see the staging of Inti Raymi 2024 live, you can enjoy it on June 24th every year. To reserve your ticket, call us at +5184231577 or email us at reservas@intiraymi.org.